Patch Design Studio

sml at dxd 8

Gold Folded Bar

SML Slot Machine is a 20 feet high installation for DxD ‘‘20under35’ exhibition held annually in Delhi. The installation expresses the studio’s philosophy between creating cohesions from overall context to the smallest details. The installation invites the user to interact with it, to come and scroll each of the scrolls individually to see the smaller, medium, or larger aspects of the various projects designed by the studio.

As the user is scrolls through any of the panels, the installation resembles a slot machine which is constantly revealing various features of different projects. The projects are colour coded, and when aligned reveal the Small, Medium and Large aspects of each project.


MS slotted angles, PVC pipes, wood, printed vinyl

During the exhibition.
The making of SML Slot Machine.
Elements that are easily recyclable and readily available in market were used in creating the installation.